Monday 9 September 2013

I'm hungry

It’s been a while, sorry – holiday and all that….

Did I ever mention I live in a house where everyone is always hungry? I reckon “I’m hungry” is the sentence (is it a sentence?) that I hear the most throughout the day. One of my 4 year old’s first words was yum quickly followed by cake – I should have known my pantry would never be mine again.

So in a bid to stall the said 4 year old’s hunger I decided to give him a bigger breakfast – it is after all what I tell my clients: start the day with a big breakfast.

I’ve been adding nuts, seeds as well as dried and fresh fruit to his cereal and that seems to help a bit but on days when he decides he wants toast I had to come up with something else.

So I give you banana smoothie! Sounds obvious, now that I mention it, doesn’t it?

First attempt wasn’t pretty and resulted in a runny mess that clogged up the straw, didn’t quite go down the drain but it may as well have.

Second attempt, however, was much more successful and was faintly reminiscent of those frozen snickers bar we ate in the 90s - Do they still sell them??? Hopefully not.

You need to be a bit organised and freeze your banana, say the night before, if you want it for your breakfast. It would probably work without it being frozen it won’t be as thick and not as a good I think. What I do is that I slice the bananas on a plate that I have first covered with non PVC cling film and then freeze. That allows me to have small pieces of bananas, which means my blender won’t break and having them on cling film means it’s much easier to peel off the plate.

Here’s the recipe for 2 people because quite frankly there’s no point doing it just for 1 as it’s so good that someone else is bound to want some.


·      2 frozen bananas
·      2 tbp of good quality peanut butter
·      1 tbsp of coconut flour
·      ½ tsp vanilla extract
·      2 glasses of milk – we used oat milk because we don’t do dairy milk well in our family but you could
u  use whichever milk you wanted.


Chuck everything in the blender and whizz until it’s lump free and thick, yet pourable – add more milk if needed.

I’m in the process of tinkering with other flavours. I replicated the same recipe was raspberries and it was good but not OMG it’s good!, which means it needs to be worked on.

See how thick that is?? The straw stands by itself!

One happy and slightly less hungry child.
Gosh, the garden is messy!


  1. This sounds yummy - I tend to use unsweetened almond milk (not that almond drink stuff...) on my muesli of a morning - I'm guessing this would be just as nice - I'm not a big fan of oat milk myself - find it a little watery...

  2. Yes, you can use almond milk. I prefer it to oat milk and I get the unsweetened one too but the ravenous beast is quite attached to his "oaty milk".

    Thanks for reading my blog btw! X
